2008 - ongoing
Director of the ISP - Institute for Urban Research, Planning and Communication
WiSe 2017/18
Visiting Scholar at Wohnforum der ETH Zurich (Centre of Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment) and Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne
WiSe 2012/13
Visiting Scholarship at OTB - Research Institute for the Built Environment, TU Delft, Wohnforum der ETH Zurich (Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment) and Bartlett School of Planning, University College London (UCL)
Visiting Scholarship at the Department of Urban Design and Planning of University of Washington, Seattle (USA)
Visiting Scholarship at the Department of Community and Regional Planning of Temple University, Philadelphia (USA)
2003 - ongoing
Professorship "Urban Planning and Communication" (until 2009: Planning and Communication), Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Erfurt University of Applied Sciences
2002 - 2003
Guest professorship "City Management", Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus
2000 - 2003
Project management and consulting at municipal, state and federal level, Bertelsmann Foundation
1999 - 2002
Doctoral thesis "Efficiency and Limits of Communicative Planning Instruments Using the Example of Sustainable Open Space Policy in City Regions", RWTH Aachen University
2000 - ongoing
Shareholder of the planning office KoRiS - Communicative urban and regional development (planning - research - consulting), Hanover
1994 - 2000
Managing partner of the planning office KoRiS - Communicative urban and regional development (planning - research - consulting), Hanover
Research associate, University of Hanover
1987 - 1994
Studies: Focus on urban, regional and environmental planning, University of Hanover
Stays abroad in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France, Australia and the USA, teaching assignments at various colleges and universities, numerous publications, lectures and moderations.
Focus in research and practice
Housing and stock development
Integrated urban planning and district development
Sustainable settlement- and open space development
Communicative planning / governance / citizen participation
View publications.
Project References
In professional associations and networks:
- Affordable Housing Forum of ETH Zurich
- Academy for Spatial Research and Regional Planning - ARL (full member)
- American Planning Association - APA, Chicago
- Federal Foundation for Baukultur e.V.
- Federal Association for Housing and Urban Development e.V. (vhw) - Member of the Board of Trustees, Chair
- German Association for Housing, Urban Development and Regional Planning e.V. - DV, Berlin
- Information group for spatial planning e.V. - IfR, Dortmund
- Institute for Housing and Environment (IWU), Darmstadt - Scientific Advisory Board
- State working group Saxony/ Saxony - Anhalt/ Thuringia of the Academy for Spatial Research and Regional Planning (ARL)
- Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning e.V. - SRL, Berlin
- Urban and Regional Sociology Section of the German Society for Sociology
- Member of the editorial board of the specialist journal RaumPlanung
In university committees:
- Vice Dean Research and Transfer of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Member of the "Research and Transfer" commission at Erfurt University of Applied Sciences and research officer at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Founding Dean of Studies for the Urban and Spatial Planning course (entrusted with setting up the course from 2007 to 2017)
- Member of the Faculty Council "Architecture and Urban Planning"
- German Sustainability Research Award 2022 for the joint research project HeatResilientCity
- Municipal scientific award of the "Foundation of German Cities, Municipalities and Districts" (2003)
- Dr. Friedrich-Lehner-Preis (1998)