Research focus of the ISP
The work of our institute is focussed on four main research areas:
- sustainable urban and settlement planning
- sustainability and climate protection
- governance and planning communication
- housing and urban development
These focal points are embedded in all of our research projects to different extents.
Sustainable urban and settlement planning
The concept of sustainability has shaped urban and settlement planning since the early 1990s. The challenging task is to optimally coordinate social, ecological, economic and cultural usage requirements on the limited available space and thus minimize land use (30 ha target). Various strategies contribute to an ecologically oriented residential and commercial development: priority for inner development, reuse of areas formerly used for commercial or infrastructure purposes, (re)gaining and qualifying open spaces (“green infrastructure”) as well as environmentally friendly construction methods. When planning settlements, the true costs can contribute as a strategic lever to a sustainable choice of residential location between the city and the surrounding area.
Sustainability and climate protection
As part of the research focus, a sustainable climate protection management is particularly focused. This is understood as a sustainable instrument for the improved and efficient control of administrative processes, project development and implementation as well as the associated coordination and control processes between public and private actors in terms of climate protection goals. Above all at the municipal level, all the essential framework conditions and prerequisites for the sustainable use of energy must be positively influenced and, where possible, shaped. The research area thus includes the discussion of good practices and the development of strategic control approaches.
Governance and planning communication
The understanding of governance implies an expanded understanding of control, which turns away from the classic state control according to the "top down" principle. The importance of private actors (business and citizens) as partners of the public sector in the context of urban planning processes is unbroken. Governance is therefore a regulated yet flexible form of cooperative politics that brings together actors from the state/municipalities, business and civil society. Communication is an essential part of planning processes in many facets. Communicative planning instruments include a wide range of forms and processes that serve the “work of understanding and mediation” of the most diverse actors. They range from information and advice to participation. The aim is always to identify the interests of the individual actors through dialogue and, ideally, to bring them to a common consensus.
Housing and urban development
The changed demands on the housing market associated with demographic, social and socio-economic change pose new challenges for the housing industry. Above all, the increasing proportion of older people, changed household structures and also the growing number of low-income households must be taken into account for the development of the stock. An optimized orientation towards target groups is becoming more and more important, especially for the design of sustainable housing offers and quarters. In this research focus, the term "living" is understood comprehensively and includes the apartment, the building, the living environment, the infrastructure and the range of services in the district.